If you are considering a straight razor, you are probably wondering about which is the best one you should buy.
While there are many different factors you should consider, one of the most important ones is the size of the straight razor.
Why Is The Size Of The Straight Razor Important?
One of the things that you may not know about straight razors is that their design is mainly the same from the start back in the 1680s. Simply put, a straight razor is just a razor with its blade folded into its handle.
Ultimately, the straight razor has two main parts: the blade and the handle. While both sizes matter, the truth is that most people don't tend to pay a lot of attention to it except for its aesthetics. Nevertheless, it's important to keep in mind that the size and shape of the handle should allow you to hold the blade comfortably.
So, what about the size of the blade itself?
The truth is that the size of the blade is extremely important. After all, depending on the size, you may experience a more or less smooth shaving. If you decide to choose a straight razor with a large blade, you will probably experience some problems shaving in certain areas such as under your nose or around the ears. On the other hand, if you pick a smaller blade, you'll have more control over all the areas not to mention that it will be a lot easier to shape your beard the way you like.
What Size Straight Razor Should I Use?
When you are looking to determine the size of the blade of a straight razor, you need to actually measure its width. It's basically the difference between the cutting edge and the blade's back portion.
One of the things you need to know about the size of the blade is that it is usually represented in the form of a fraction such as 13/16, 5/8, 4/8, etc. This makes it easier to determine the size of the blade since the fraction represents the blade size divided into an inch. So, an 8/8 blade means that it has a 1-inch blade, a 13/16 is 0.813 inches, 4/8 = 1/29 inch, etc.
But why are the widths different?
Simply put, the difference in the widths of the blades allows you to achieve different goals. For example, if you have a heavy beard or if you want to shave off large patches of stubble with the least amount of strokes, then you may look for a large razor blade. On the other hand, if you are looking for a straight razor to trim your beard, a narrow razor blade would be more ideal for you. After all, you can control these ones better making them perfect for newbies.
So, What Size Should I Pick for My Straight Razor Blade?
Simply put, you should pick a 5/8 blade size. No matter if you're looking for a straight razor for all-out shaving or just for trimming, this is the best blade size. Besides, it's perfect not only for newbies as well as for shaving pros.
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